Tag Archives: toolkit

The Writing Bag

I have a writing bag.

If I’m intending to spend any significant chunk of time writing, it will usually be away from home. I find I’m able to focus much better if I’m away from the distractions of the telly, laptop and fridge. I also enjoy writing in different environments; it becomes a part of the process. So I need a bag to transport my writing tools with me.

As my creative time has become more precious, I’ve started to realise that the content of the bag has become more important to the process. Sometimes, I need ideas. Sometimes, I’m lacking inspiration. And of course, I also need the basic tools for the jobs – which now includes drawing as well as writing.

So, choosing what to put in the bag has become an exercise in smart thinking. What are the fewest items I need to cover both inspiration and productivity? Yes, I know that I can have everything I need on an iPad, but I only find technology helpful in specific ways. The physical presence of a book or a card is a thousand times more effective than just another page displayed on a screen.

What’s great is that it works. And just in case you like the idea, here’s what my bag currently contains (details underneath):

Picture of writing bag contents

The writing bag contents!

The Pot Boiler – a book by Spike Milligan
I love Spike’s work. He loved what he did, and it shines through his work. From simple sight gags to nonsense poetry, his material is best described as ‘simple genius’. A true inspiration.

‘No rules. Just write.’ – a free sampler from the Teach Yourself series of books. I love this because it’s packed with tips and is very light to carry.

Notepad – themed with Andy Warhol‘s work. This is a great little book that has diary pages, to do lists and note pages. I list everything I’m working on in here, and set target dates for all my projects. I also use the diary to make sure I’m booking onto events – like the Writer’s Toolkit in November – that will inspire me.

Notepad – A4 from Paperchase. I’m using this to write the first draft of my novel. It goes everywhere with me. It’ll probably be the first time ever that I use every single line of a notebook. I find it much, much easier to write in this rather than on an iPad or computer. I’d be gutted if I lost it.

Drawing pad – square from Paperchase. All of the cartoons are drawn in here before being imported onto an iPad for completion and colouring. The paper is very good quality.

Autobiography of Jacob Epstein – hardback, bought off abebooks.co.uk.  Jacob Epstein is my favourite sculptor and has become even more so since I started reading about his life. This copy is 72 years old!

Van Gogh-themed notebook – my go-to book for writing down and expanding on ideas. This is my favourite book to write in, and usually results in some useable stuff.

Raindrops postcard – I just like the design of this. And it’s useful to have a card to just pop in the post to someone.

Art postcard – ‘Crash Head’ by Eduardo Paolozzi.  Paolozzi’s sculptures are bonkers. This card came from the Pallant House Gallery in Chichester. It’s not my favourite of his works, but it makes me think of the others of his that I’ve seen.

Comedy Fix zine – it’s important to carry around at least one example of a project I’ve seen through to the end, so so that the evidence is there that I can do it!

John Clare postcard – a reminder that poetry can be serious and beautiful, and not just comic. This card came from a John Clare exhibition at Peterborough Museum.

Lizz Lunney postcard. Lizz’s creations always make me smile, and remind me that I should be aiming to up my game in the drawing stakes!

Greetings card – Gemma Correll. A reminder that simple ideas, when brilliantly executed, can and do sell.

Just a Note – ideas notebook. Hardly used, as I mostly use the Warhol book for quick ideas, but I do love the brand – yourstrulycards.co.uk

Blank notecards – for general use.

Sketching pencils, artist pens, writing pen, iPad stylus, eraser and sharpener – essential tools!

Oh yes – and finally, this is the bag. (Guess who was a teenager in the ’80s…):-

Picture of Spectrum bag

The writing bag

Do you have a writing bag, or does technology provide everything you need?